More than 800 infants and children are buried in Sections 73 and 89. The flags show the graves that are unmarked. Friends of Historic Topeka Cemetery want to change that.

More than 800 infants and children are buried in Sections 73 and 89. The flags show the graves that are unmarked. Friends of Historic Topeka Cemetery want to change that.

Many of their parents never even got to hear them cry.
Ever silent, hundreds of infants lie without any testament to their existence. Young families with meager funds were able to bury their babies, but not to mark their graves.
The Friends of Historic Topeka Cemetery have created a way to acknowledge the children whose families are no longer around to honor them.
The project will be in Sections 73 and 89 near the northeast corner of the cemetery. Graves 75 years and older in these sections will be eligible for “Remember Me” headstones. These markers will not be placed in any other section of the cemetery.
The granite markers will be 8 inches by 16 inches and bear the name of the child and the year of death. The cost will be $125 each.
Smaller donations will be pooled and used to rehabilitate the area – raise and straighten the markers that are there, fill in depressions and even the rows.
The two sections were selected for the project because after 75 years, the families have likely moved on, and there is no one left to mark these graves.
The “Remember Me” markers won’t be allowed in any other part of the cemetery.
For more information, call the cemetery at (785) 233-4132.
Following is a list of names of the children in Section 89 eligible for markers in the Remember Me project.

You may donate online by clicking the button below and choosing the "Other" option to pay $125. Send a separate e-mail to and tell us which grave you would like to mark. **Notes grave has be chosen by a donor.




Section 73

ADAMS                        Infant                           September 06 1911                   1911

ANDEEN                      Infant                           February 15 1916                     1916

ANDERSON                 Infant                           January 29 1924                       1924

ARMSTRONG             William                        August 06 1925                        1925

ARNETT                      Infant                           July 28, 1913                            1913

ARNOLD                      William Charles           September 24 1911                   1912

BAIRD                          Aletha                          February 1, 1918                      1919

BANFIELD                   Infant                           July 27, 1919                            1919

BARNETT                     Infant                           January 24 1918                       1918

BARNES                       Clara Benice                September 28 1918                   1918

BARNEY                      Infant                           October 16 1910                       1910

BECKWITH                  Eva May                      July 11, 1925                            1925

BECKWITH                  Myrtle F                      March 01 1924                         1924

BENNETT                     Infant                           September 04 1910                   1910

BENNETT                     William A                    May 15 1916                            1917

BENNER                       Beatrice L                                1916                              1918

BERGER                       Infant                           December 12 1920                    1920

BETT                             Infant                           March 7, 1920                          1920

BETTS                           Infant                           November 25 1911                   1911

BILLUPS                       Donald E.                    May 02 1924                            1924

BILLUPS                       Infant                           September 12 1921                   1921

BISHOP                        HarryJr   (Inf)           April 5, 1911                            1911

BLAKE                          Jean L.                         June 28, 1924                           1925

BLAKE                          June                             June 28, 1924                           1924

BORCK                         Wilbert C                     June 19, 1912                           1912

BOWER                         Infant (girl)                  July 27, 1920                            1920

BRANDON                   Infant                           September 01 1913                   1913

BRANDT                      Infant                           December 28 1914                    1914

BRIGGS                        George E.                    May 12 1911                            1911

BROMICH                    Infant girl Joey           May 28 1916                            1916

BROWN                        Barbara J                     November 05 1923                   1923

BROWN                        Infant                           November 29 1910                   1910

BROWN                        John H                        September 02 1915                   1915

BROWN                        Nels B.                        December 1, 1908                     1910

BROWN                        Robert O.                    June 24, 1925                           1925

BRUBAKER                 Infant                           July 18, 1910                            1910

BUNDY                        Marlys Jane                 January 05 1921                       1921

BURBANK                   Infant                           January 16 1912                       1912

BURGHART                 Marcella                      November 13 1921                   1921

BURGHART                 Marcey L                     August 15 1922                        1922

BURRELL                     Infant                           January 29 1913                       1913

BUSH                            Mary M                       April 16, 1911                          1911

BUTLER                        Infant                           June 5, 1924                             1924

CANDREIA                  Frank L                       September 09 1932                   1933

CANNADY                  Infant                           March 24 1916                         1916

CARLSON                    Infant                           May 13 1912                            1912

CARRUTHERS            Virginia Lee                August 25 1920                        1920

CASE                             Erma                            January 12 1927                       1927

CASEBEER                   Melven                        July 28, 1912                            1913

CASEY                          Olof, Jr.                       January 12 1919                       1919

CATT                             Nellie L (twin)             October 13 1923                       1923

CATT                             Teddy L (twin)            October 13 1923                       1923

CHAROWHAS             Oscar                           June 22, 1906                           1910

CLIFTON                      Infant                           January 09 1915                       1915

CLIFTON                      Infant                           May 15 1914                            1914

CLIFTON                      Infant                           January 19 1923                       1923

CLIFTON                      Robert L                      February 03 1924                     1924

COCHRAN                   Infant                           June 11, 1911                           1911

COE                               Beulah                         January 31 1911                       1911

COKE                            Vilet C.                        October 01 1920                       1921

COLGROVE                 Mona M                      February 03 1919                     1926

COLLINS                      Betty Joe                     February 25 1924                     1924

COLLINS                      George E                     August 15 1925                        1925

COLLINS                      Harold                         February 11 1919                     1919

COLLINS                      Infant                           June 25, 1917                           1917

COLLINS                      Paul                             November 13 1903                   1911

COLLINS                      Walter E.                     February 08 1912                    

COUNCIL                     Roberta A                    March 09 1922                         1923

COVERT                       Alfred D                      November 26 1922                   1923

COVEY                         Louise                         May 05 1918                            1918

COZAD                         Raleigh K.                          1912                                   1913

CROSSWHITE             Hazel M                      June 29, 1912                           1912

CROWDER                   Florence                      May 22 1906                            1908

CUMMICKEL              Infant                           January 07 1920                       1920

CUNNINGHAM          Virginia R                   August 07 1916                        1916

CYPHERN                    Infant                           May 08 1911                            1911

DALIEN                        Infant                           May 22 1910                            1910

DAVENPORT              William Lee                 June 29, 1915                           1915

DENNIS                        Infant                           April 7, 1924                            1924

DOERR                         David A                      March 21 1914                         1916

DOERR                         Theressa                             1910                                   1911

DOUGHERTY              Ruth L                         About 1914                              1918

DUESLER                     Robert W.                    August 29 1917                        1917

DUNBAR                      Rachel                         April 18, 1914                          1914

DUNGAN                     Infant                           February 05 1920                     1920

ELLIOT                         Infant                           May 21 1910                            1910

ELLIOTT                       Margaret A                  January 04 1917                       1917

ERWIN                          Douglas                       November 09 1917                   1917

ERWIN                          Infant                           December 27 1921                    1921

EVANS                         Infant                           June 20, 1910                           1910

FAIR                              Inez G                         April 18, 1909                          1911

FELLOWS                     Hugh Melvin               August 13 1918                        1918

FIELDS                         Ila Irene                       September 07 1917                   1917

FINK                             Infant                           February 26 1916                     1916

FORSELL                      Helge F.                             1900                                   1909

FORTNEY                    Orval Lee                    January 21 1922                       1922

FRANKLIN                  Harry C.                      September 24 1917                   1917

FRY                               Dorothy Thelma          December 31 1910                    1911

FRY                               Roy                             July 23, 1910                            1912

FURGASON                 Infant                           July 27, 1911                            1911

GALE                            Robert E.                     July 3, 1922                              1922

GASKINS                     Frank A                       February 28 1909                     1911

GIBSON                        Infant                           January 02 1914                       1914

GOFF                            Judson L, Jr                July 20, 1925                            1925

GOODELL                    Don Charles                August 07 1911                        1911

GORBUTT                    Gerald D.                    October 31 1924                       1924

GOULD                         Infant                           February 24 1911                     1911

GREGORY                   Pearl V                        December 22 1912                    1913

GRENKE                       Benjamin                     May 10 1910                            1912

GRIFFITH                     Walter N                      May 10 1916                            1916

GRISSINGER               Herold                         September 09 1909                   1910

GUFFEY                       Myrtle L                      January 24 1907                       1914

HETHERINGTON        Clarence                      October 12 1922                       1922

HETHERINGTON        Robert A                     January 22 1927                       1927

HALL                            Jane L.                         September 26 1920                   1920

HAMELL                      Norman E.                   September 12 1913                   1913

HARMS                        Rex Edward                April 10, 1923                          1925

HARRIS                        Infant                           November 17 1920                   1920

HARRIS                        Infant                           April 18, 1923                          1923

HARRISON                  Bruce P                       August 08 1915                        1915

HARSHMAN               Infant                           August 29 1913                        1913

HART                            Francis L                     August 29 1911                        1914

HAWKINS                    Infant                           April 29, 1913                          1913

HAWKS                        Infant                           October 15 1922                       1922

HAYEK                         Hazel B                       January 05 1931                       1931

HAYES                         Infant                           March 14 1912                         1912

HELFRICK                   Infant                           October 17 1915                       1915

HELM                            Paul E                          February 01 1913                     1913

HENDERSON              Jenne L                        June 20, 1920                           1920

HERLEMAN                 Wilbur                         January 07 1910                       1910

HERRINGTON             James D                      March 04 1923                         1923

HICKEY                        Infant                           October 29 1919                       1919

HICKMAN                   Joseph R                            1908                                   1913

HICKS                           Infant                           October 13 1923                       1923

HILL                              Bula                             September 14 1916                   1916

HILL                              Infant                           January 06 1917                       1917

HOBBS                         Elizabeth                      February 24 1923                     1923

HOFFMAN                   Infant                           February 20 1912                     1912

HOLLAND                   Ruby Helen                 April 7, 1923                            1923

HOLLIDAY                  Richard K                    August 13 1925                        1925

HOUCHIN                    Beulah L.                     November 27 1923                   1924

HOWARD                     James                          June 14, 1918                           1918

HOWE                           Betty                            October 13 1917                       1917

HOWELL                      Infant                           May 19 1917                            1917

HUBICK                       Infant                           May 28 1916                            1916

HUGHES                      Infant                           April 27, 1923                          1923

HUGHES                      Mary F                        July 22, 1920                            1921

HUNT                            Infant                           December 28 1923                    1923

INGALLS                      Infant                           October 31 1919                       1919

IRWIN                           Infant                           April 7, 1917                            1917

JACKSON                    Bernard C.                   July 4, 1920                              1924

JACQUES                     Infant                           September 07 1917                   1917

JAMES                          Infant                           June 18, 1920                           1920

JOHNSON                    Anna                           December 09 1912                    1912

JOHNSON                    Bernard E                    December 22 1919                    1919

JOHNSON                    Ethel M                       May 23 1924                            1927

JOHNSON                    Mary Julia                   January 31 1920                       1920

JOHNSON                    Nordine L                    November 30 1918                   1920

JORDAN                       Infant                           March 21 1924                         1924

JORDAN                       Infant                           June 29, 1925                           1925

KANODE                      Infant                           February 15 1924                     1924

KEETON                       Donald D.                   February 17 1919                     1919

KENYON                      Orville D.                    November 02 1922                   1922

KIDWELL                     Edna                            June 1, 1918                             1918

KING                             Infant                           April 3, 1920                            1920

KING                             MartinL                       April 3, 1920                            1920

KLOPFSTEIN               Infant                           February 11 1918                     1918

KLOPIZINI                   Alexander                    February 19 1911                     1911

KRICHSLIFF                Bessie L.                     August 18 1924                        1924

LACKEY                       Infant                           September 05 1921                   1921

LAWSON                      John B                         December 31 1912                    1913

LE FEVER                     Hugh                           August 16 1911                        1912

LEDFORD                    Wenston                      March 26 1914                         1915

LEFF                              Lucile                          December 24 1908                    1910

LEGGEE                        Catherine P                  August 16 1910                        1911

LeVORE                        Jost Bauer                   August 01 1915                        1915

LEWIS                           Mildred Ruth               April 26, 1924                          1924

LILES                            Infant                           July 19, 1915                            1915

LINDEN                        James L.                      November 28 1912                   1913

LINES                            Infant                           September 21 1919                   1919

LONGSTAFF               James D                      April 18, 1919                          1919

LOPER                          Infant                           October 24 1910                       1910

LOVELESS                   Infant                           March 03 1923                         1923

LOWE                            Infant                           March 20 1914                         1914

LOWMAN                    Albert                          December 01 1924                    1924

LOWMAN                    Alberta                        December 01 1924                    1924

LUTY                            Joseph                         NA                                            1909

MAISNER                     August                        February 16 1912                     1912

MANUEL                      Jackie                          December 04 1923                    1923

MARSH                             Infant                           February 27 1919                     1919

MARTIN                            Blair A                        June 2, 1906                             1906

MARTIN                            Fern E                         October 22 1917                       1917

MARTIN                            Frank                           February 18 1911                     1911

MARTIN                            Infant                           November 16 1904                   1904

MARTIN                            Infant                           July 3, 1918                              1918

MARTIN                            Thomas                       February 18 1911                     1911

MAY                             Lillie                            August 02 1923                        1923

McARDLE                    Wilma                          November 14 1910                   1911

McBRIDE                      Infant                           August 22 1913                        1913

McCALL                       Infant                           March 21 1923                         1923

McCALL                       Rolland D                    January 21 1925                       1925

McDANIEL                   Infant                           May 16 1922                            1922

McDONALD                Infant                           January 25 1914                       1914

McDONALD                Virgil D                       November 03 1906                   1911

McILVAIN                    Infant                           May 31 1920                            1920

McINTOSH                   Arthur                         June 11, 1907                           1911

McKINSEY                   Infant                           June 3, 1919                             1920

McLAUGHLIN             James H                      July 14, 1925                            1925

McLEISCH                    Katherine T                 December 10 1910                    1911

McNIEL                         Infant                           February 23 1913                     1913

MILLER                        Ardel Eugene              December 24 1923                    1923

MILLER                        MartinD                      January 29 1911                       1912

MOESER                       Harold E                      February 13 1911                     1911

MOWER                        Infant                           March 13 1923                         1923

NEISWANGER            Thelma L                     June 4, 1910                             1911

NEWELL                       Clarence S                   August 10 1918                        1918

NEWELL                       Harry B Jr                   April 18, 1922                          1922

NISEWONGER            Gwendolyn                 January 20 1910                       1910

NIXON                          Infant                           July 15, 1923                            1923

NOLAN                         John H                        August 05 1924                        1925

NYQUIST                     Arthur                         July 12, 1911                            1911

OBERG                         Infant                           October 21 1921                       1921

OVERHOLT                 Infant                           November 17 1924                   1924

PETERS                         William                        May 24 1911                            1911

PETERSON                   Infant                           June 29, 1920                           1920

PETERSON                   John                                   1836                                   1909

PADDOCK                   Infant                           July 7, 1910                              1910

PALMER                       Dorothy M                  September 28 1909                   1910

PASCHAL                    Donald E                     September 16 1911                   1911

PATTERSON                Carl O                         August 24 1915                        1915

PAUL                            Infant                           February 25 1911                     1911

PELHAM                      Welbert                        April 13, 1905                          1925

PELTON                        Robert S                      August 21 1917                        1917

PHILLIPS                      Infant                           September 24 1915                   1915

PHILLIPS                      Infant                           September 09 1914                   1914

POPPAS                        Pete                             May 27 1918                            1918

PORTZ                          Infant                           November 12 1922                   1922

PRICE                            A Marcella                  November 10 1919                   1919

PUETT                           Carl                             About1910                              1915

PUETT                           Verra                           December 16 1904                    1908

QUIN                             Evalyn                         July 21, 1911                            1912

RAFFETY                    Vivian F                      February 15 1923                     1923

RAUCH                         Infant                           December 03 1921                    1921

RICHARDS                  Katie                            June 18, 1911                           1913

RICKMAN                    Infant                           January 27 1917                       1917

ROBERTS                     Catherine F                  March 29 1919                         1919

ROBINSON                  Charlie E                     July 29, 1916                            1916

ROBINSON                  Infant                           April 8, 1913                            1913

ROLLINS                      Infant                           September 03 1924                   1924

ROUSH                         Marjory B                   July 23, 1909                            1910

RUNDLE                       Laura F                        October 16 1924                       1924

SALYER                       Theodore Milton         NA                                            1909

SANDERS                    Mary E.                       December 08 1914                    1914

SCHOLTZ                     Infant                           April 10, 1911                          1911

SCHOOLER                  Glen Rose                   June 13, 1922                           1923

SCHWENIMER            Alex                            July 17, 1912                            1914

SCHWENIMER            Mary                           July 13, 1910                            1910

SCRITCHFIELD           Stella E.                       December 08 1919                    1920

SEBRILL                       Infant                           September 10 1914                   1914

SELDER                        Arthur B., Jr.               November 20 1913                   1913

SENGE                          Infant                           November 10 1910                   1910

SENGE                          Infant                           January 10 1912                       1912

SHAVER                       Baby                            August 19 1920                        1920

SHILLINGLAW           Gordon                        August 21 1914                        1914

SHINKLE                      Charles C.                   September 1, 1909                    1911

SICKLER                      Infant                           October 24 1921                       1921

SIMONS                       Infant                           March 15 1911                         1911

SLOAN                         Frank B                       September 28 1910                   1910

SLOAN                         Infant                           November 18 1911                   1911

SMITH                          Harold D.                    November 23 1925                   1925

SMITH                          Infant                           August 04 1917                        1917

SMITH                          Infant                           December 12 1924                    1924

SMITH                          Johnnie                        July 3, 1918                              1918

SNYDER                       Infant                           March 01 1912                         1912

SPIKER                         Margurite L.                December 03 1916                    1918

SPILMAN                     Reta Mae                     November 04 1922                   1922

STAERKEL                   Infant                           December 19 1912                    1912

STARKS                       Lillian Lorraine            February 18 1919                     1919

STEARNS                     Gale E                         June 13, 1912                           1912

STEWART                    Infant                           March 07 1912                         1912

STONE                          Infant                           July 15, 1912                            1912

STONE                          Virgil                           December 03 1910                    1910

STRANBERG               Infant (Boy)                September 21 1921                   1921

SWANDSON                Edith L                        January 1, 1915                        1915

SWEET                         Infant                           November 01 1921                   1921

SWEENY                      Infant                           September 26 1912                   1912

SWITZER                      Douglas W                  April 1, 1919                            1919

TABOR                         Infant                           April 6, 1918                            1918

TAYLOR                       Emma                          November 16 1917                   1917

TEEL                              Johnnie                        July 29, 1916                            1916

THAYER                       Infant                           July 15, 1918                            1918

THOMPSON                Bernice                        February 15 1915                     1916

THOMPSON                Oscar                           June 28, 1907                           1910

TUCKER                       E Frederick                  August 05 1911                        1911

TUCKER                       Jack                             July 31, 1905                            1911

TYDEMAN                   Infant                           May 05 1916                            1916

UHREN                         Emma C                      March 15 1913                         1913

WALLACE                    Infant                           February 07 1912                     1912

WALSH                         Charles O                    September 20 1918                   1918

WARLEN                      June I                          April 5, 1924                            1924

WASSBERG                 Infant                           May 21 1912                            1912

WATKINS                    Infant                           November 24 1918                   1918

WATSON                      Infant                           September 22 1919                   1919

WEBB                            Paul S Jr                      September 30 1915                   1915

WEBB                            Verna Ruth                  May 30 1914                            1914

WEEKS                         Bernice K                    October 30 1912                       1912

WELLMAN                   Harriett L                     July 28, 1914                            1914

WETENGEL                 Theodore                     September 02 1917                   1917

WHITE                          James O G                  December 15 1917                    1918

WHITEKER                  Infant                           January 04 1914                       1914

WHITMAN                   Thomas C                    January 21 1911                       1911

WHITTEN                     Harold E                      August 26 1910                        1911

WILKERSON               Ruth E                         February 16 1920                     1920

WILL ETT                     Carl                             May 04 1913                            1914

WILLIAMS                   Kenneth                       February 07 1922                     1922

WILSON                       Louise M                     April 17, 1900                          1908

WILSON                       Lucile                          January 17 1915                       1915

WILSON                       Walter                          October 31 1908                       1908

WINKLER                     Ralph                           October 14 1922                       1922

WOLFE                         Alice J                         May 03 1912                            1912

WOLFE                         Infant                           March 07 1913                         1913

WOODRUFF                Robert                         March 19 1909                         1910

WRIGHT                       Joe                               September 21 1917                   1917

YOCUM                        Infant                           January 19 1913                       1913

ZART-SCOTT               Infant                           November 07 1936                   1936

Section 89

AKERSTROM          Shirley J                         July 17, 1933                          1933

ALEXANDER          Dorene Mae                   September 09 1944                 1945

ALEXANDER          Franklin D.                     November 1, 1934                  1936

ARMSTRONG         Infant                              April 14, 1926                         1926

BAKER                     Vina Lee                         April 24, 1926                         1926

BARNES                   Donald M.                      November 16 1931                 1932

BAY                          Marguerite                      March 27 1926                        1926

BECKER                   Infant                              June 04 1930                           1930

BECKLEY                Jene Elberta.                   January 21 1930                      1930

BILLUPS                  Infant                              September 24 1936                 1936

BLACK                     Infant                              February 19 1930                    1930

BOARD                    Infant                              August 07 1937                      1937

BOGART                  Carol Sue                       July 25, 1939                          1939

BREHM                    Infant                              March 05 1926                        1926

BROOKS                  Norma Ray                     March 25 1937                        1937

BROWN                    Jonathan                         December 21 1985                  1986

BRUMBAUGH        Harold S.                        November 11 1929                 1929

BRYANT                  Infant                              December 06 1925                  1925

BURNETT                Virginia J                       October 03 1928                     1928

BUTTS                      Bernard Ernest               December 13 1925                  1925

CARNES                   Shirley R.                       July 12, 1932                          1933

CARNEY                  Infant                              February 01 1930                    1930

CARNS                     Carl J.                             September 11 1928                 1928

CARNS                     Infant                              April 29, 1932                         1932

CISLINI                    Infant                              June 29 1932                           1932

COE                           Donald Lee                     March 19 1938                        1938

COVERT                   Infant                              May 01 1926                           1926

CUNNINGHAM      Allen Bryon                   September 15 1935                 1935

DAMMON               Infant                              September 18 1933                 1933

DENNEY                  Larry Lee                        December 09 1931                  1931

Des GEORGES         Patricia                           November 10 1928                 1929

DICK                         Donald Lee                     June 16 1928                           1928

EGLAND                  Infant                              January 31 1936                      1936

ELVINS                    Lillian                             August 11 1935                      1935

FITTRO                     Keith R                           March 18 1930                        1930

FRYE                        John                               February 20 1934                    1934

GILDEHOUS           Vincent E                       March 03 1926                        1926

GILL                          Richard Leo                    February 27 1924                    1927

GOLDSMITH           Alice E                           December 08 1929                  1929

GORDON                 Marion LeRoy                September 16 1926                 1926

GUSTAFSON          Albert                             March 07 1928                        1928

HAMILTON             Raymond D.                   December 22 1926                  1926

HARMS                    Charles D                       March 21 1927                        1927

HARPER                   Rex William                   October 19 1937                     1937

HARVEY                  Virginia                          February 05 1930                    1931

HAWK                      William Elden                 November 11 1924                 1925

HAWKENBERRY   Kenneth                          April 9, 1938                           1938

HAWVER                 Infant                              December 20 1931                  1931

HAYES                     Charles F                        August 24 1928                      1930

HAYES                     Richard J                        January 19 1932                      1934

HEMRICK                Infant                              February 08 1927                    1927

HICKEY                   Infant                              April 8, 1929                           1929

HILL                          Thomas                          September 21 1940                 1940

HILYARD                Terry E                           December 13 1937                  1937

HINDSLEY              Alvin Perry                    May 16 1939                           1939

HODGES                  Walter E.                        April 27, 1930                         1930

HOWARD                Infant                              August 01 1928                      1928

HUTCHISON           Infant                              July 12, 1927                          1927

KEEFER                    Eugene G.                      October 06 1886                     1891

KELLER                    Eugene                           September 28 1928                 1928

KERR                        Edward N                       April 1, 1941                           1941

KERR                        Eleanor Mae                   October 05 1937                     1937

KRENTZ                   MartinJr.                        December 05 1929                  1929

LANDRETH             Ruby D                          September 24 1936                 1937

LANNAN                 Infant                              May 03 1929                           1929

LAUVER                  Infant                              November 08 1926                 1926

MALLORY               Infant                              September 02 1936                 1936

MATTHEWS            Infant                              March 24 1927                        1927

McCALL                   David                             June 28 1935                           1935

McEWAN                 Infant                              March 11 1929                        1929

McLAUGHLIN        Edna M                          July 21, 1937                          1937

MEISTER                  Marlin D                        December 12 1932                  1933

MERREL                   Betty Darlene                 December 27 1940                  1941

MERRITT                 Waldon                           April 16, 1942                         1942

MILBURN                Infant                              October 16 1927                     1927

MILLER                    Raymond                        June 13 1926                           1926

MILTON                   Mary Alice                     July 28, 1940                          1940

MONGOLD              Francis M                       September 18 1934                 1934

MORRIS                   Infant                              April 22, 1930                         1930

MOSHER                  Betty Jo                          May 30 1938                           1938

MULLEN                  Curtis H Jr                     June 30 1926                           1927

NEDEAU                  Marvin Edward              March 31 1929                        1930

NELSON                   Infant                              October 28 1929                     1929

NELSON                   Infants                            December 24 1925                  1925

NELSON                   infants                            December 24 1925                  1925

PATTON                   Infant                              March 07 1926                        1926

PATTON                   Infant                              March 07 1926                        1926

PAYNE                     Infant                              December 10 1928                  1928

PAYNE                     Infant                              March 03 1930                        1930

PENCE                      Infant                              April 24, 1937                         1937

RAYBORN               Marin Lee                       February 27 1927                    1927

REEDY                     LeRoy Wesley                July 5, 1935                            1935

RICHMOND            Carl Ray                         April 21, 1941                         1944

RICKEL                    Jimmy Lee                      March 18 1933                        1933

ROBERTS                 Charles Ray                    December 31 1924                  1926

ROBERTSON           James Lee                       November 04 1945                 1945

ROBINSON              Georgia L                       June 11 1937                           1937

ROTH                        Infant                              July 23, 1935                          1935

SALYER                   Martin William                April 6, 1935                           1935

SAXE                        Infant                              July 21, 1940                          1940

SHIELDS                  Burton                            September 05 1928                 1928

SHIELDS                  Robert                            September 05 1928                 1928

SHRIER                    Infant                              October 30 1929                     1929

SIMS                         Infant                              May 26 1930                           1930

SISSON                    Infant                              December 09 1925                  1925

SISSON                    Infant                              August 30 1928                      1928

SISSON                    Infant                              July 5, 1935                            1935

SMITH                      Darrell Dean                   June 11 1928                           1928

SMITH                      Infant                              January 27 1928                      1928

SMITH                      Jerry Wayne                   July 1, 1942                            1942

SMITH                      Ronald Jene                    November 06 1936                 1938

SNEDEN                   Linda Kay                      November 20 1942                 1942

SNOOK                    Judith Ann                     November 04 1939                 1939

SNYDER                  Infant                              November 30 1925                 1925

ST CLAIR                 Betty                               March 28 1926                        1926

SWAFFORD            Infant                              February 13 1927                    1927

TAYLOR                  Barbara L                       January 06 1938                      1938

TERRILL                   Garna D                         July 24, 1935                          1935

THOMPSON            Harry Scott                     December 25 1942                  1942

THOMPSON            Infant                              July 8, 1929                            1929

TIBBETTS                Infant                              April 6, 1927                           1927

VAN VLECK           Norma Kay                    December 01 1943                  1943

VOILES                    Infant                              July 26, 1901                          1901

WALKER                  Marjorie B                      July 1, 1925                            1926

WATKINS                Infant                              May 24 1928                           1928

WISEMAN               Thomas                          June 01 1938                           1938

WITHAM                  Charles Edmond             September 29 1940                 1940

WOOD                      Infant                              April 23, 1926                         1926

WORKMAN             Infant                              January 11 1929                      1929

YOUNG                    Infant                              May 30 1936                           1936

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